Total Pharmaceutical Solution

SOP for safety precautions in production area


To define the procedures of safety precaution in production area.

2.0 SCOPE:

This SOP for safety precautions in production area is applicable to production department at (Company name). 


Not Applicable


Execution: Operators

Checking: Production officer

Accountability: Production Head


As and when required.


6.1 All the personnel shall undergo training pertaining to safety as per the training schedule.
6.2 Ensure the door is in lock condition, if any breakage/damage of the door lock observed, immediately inform to superior.
6.3 All the personnel shall wear the protective gowns provided by the company.
6.4 All the personnel should wear nose mask, latex hand gloves and goggles during manufacturing operation.
6.5 All the personnel should wear proper gowning, goggles and mask during the cleaning activity.
6.6 During handling of solvents, wear nose mask, hand gloves and goggles.
6.7 During manufacturing and primary packing operations, the proper gowning must be used.
6.8 Ensure the fire extinguishers of respective class are in the place provided in the working area and should not be expired.
6.9 Ensure that the fire extinguishers should be easily accessible and no blockages near it.
6.10 Ensure that the emergency door way is free and easily accessible.
6.11 Ensure that all safety alarms are working properly.
6.12 Ensure that UPS lights are always in ON condition.
6.13 Follow the individual machine and product safety precaution.
6.14 Ensure that all the equipment sensors are working.
6.15 Ensure the emergency stop buttons are working.
6.16 Ensure hot areas are identified and precaution are displayed properly.
6.17 Ensure that machine shall not be run without guard or in bypass mode.
6.18 Portable equipment should be moved by trained people and slowly to its desired place.
6.19 Don’t touch moving parts,
6.20 Precaution to be taken during any mishap:
6.20.1 If any person feeling uneasiness, inform to superior and transfer the person to fresh air area and let him/her to rest to recover.
6.20.2 If condition worsen, refer to nearby hospital.
6.20.3 If Isopropyl alcohol, during cleaning happen to enter in the eyes, washing thoroughly with running purified water.
6.20.4 If irritation persist, refer to a doctor.
6.20.5 If any person inhales any materials, fumes etc. immediately inform to superior and sift the person to fresh air area and let the person exhale continuously. 


SOP:         Standard operating procedure                                                                  UPS:       Uninterrupted power supply





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