SOP for Polishing of Punches and Dies


To lay down the procedure for polishing of punches and dies.

2.0 SCOPE:

SOP for polishing of punches and dies is applicable at production department of (Company name).




4.1 Production Operator is responsible to follow the procedure. 
4.2 Production Officer/Executive is responsible for the execution of the procedure.
4.3 Head-Production is responsible for ensure the compliance of the procedure.


5.1 Punch should be polished when: 
5.1.1 When a new consignment for punch is received.
5.1.2 There is burr or claw on punch tip
5.1.3 Punch tip turns black
5.1.4 Sticking continues on embossing
5.1.5 Improper surface.
5.2 Die should be polished when:
5.2.1 When a new consignment of punch set is received.
5.2.2 There is ring formation inside die-bore
5.2.3 Die-bore turns black
5.2.4 Corrosion is observed inside die-bore
5.2.5 Wear or binding takes place in die-bore
5.2.6 Improper surface
5.3 Equipment to be used for polishing is motorized polishing machine, RPM of the machine can be controlled and used for cleaning and polishing of punch tip and die-bore.
5.4 Recommend tools and compounds are:
5.4.1 Magnifying glass, for identifying the damaged surface and finish of the tip.
5.4.2 Nylon brush, (cup type) with emery paste, for cleaning and polishing of punch tip.
5.4.3 Lapping stick, for removing the burr or claw.
5.4.4 Felt bob, with emery paste, for polishing the die-bore.
5.4.5 Emery paper or luster bar or emery flour, for improving the surface finish.
5.4.6 Nylon brush (wheel type) for polishing embossed tips.
5.5 Before starting the polishing operation, inspect the tools carefully using magnifying glass for signs of damage of tips.
5.6 For operation of polishing machine shall follow the recommended procedure:
5.6.1 Polishing of punches and dies by using motorized chuck.
5.6.2 By using motorized chuck, we can remove rust and discoloration from punch bodies.
5.6.3 Use 600 grit size emery strips for light polishing. To remove corrosion (or) discoloration.
5.6.4 To polish punch heads, use medium emery paper 180 grit size.
5.6.5 For good finishing, use micro-polishing paste finally
Precaution: Excessive polishing of punch head top will reduce punch length.
5.7 Polishing concave or embossing punches:
5.7.1 Equipment required for polishing are: Motorized chuck Woolen felt bobs Hardwood bobs Micro polishing paste Diamond paste Cotton wool Hold punch on motorized chuck Hold felt bob on air grinder
5.7.2 Apply small quantity of micro polishing compound to woolen felt bobs with Heflin fluid.
5.7.3 Switch ’ON’ the motorized chuck unit, apply end of rotating bobs to punch tip face.
5.7.4 Clean the punch tip with cotton wool while rotating the punch in motorized chuck.
5.7.5 For good finishing, finally apply micro polishing paste. Check punch rotating in the opposite direction to the woolen felt bobs
5.7.6 After polishing of the punches and dies perform the inspection activity.
5.8 Polishing of flat beveled type punches:
5.8.1 After opening the seal from supplier the container should be labeled as.
5.8.2 Apply the end of the felt bob to the tip face, keeping the flat end of the felt bob parallel with the flat of punch face. Move the woolen felt bob side to side on the punch tip.
5.8.3 The bevel on the edge of the woolen bobs, felt bobs should be smaller than the bevel on the punch tip.
5.8.4 After polishing the punches perform the inspection activity.
5.9 Polishing of die bore:
5.9.1 By using motorized chuck the die bore can be polished. For this purpose, following equipment is required. High-speed air grinder Diamond paste 3 micron Woolen felt bobs Cotton wool.
5.9.2 A woolen felt bob diameter should be smaller (0.5mm to 1.5mm) than the die bore to be polished.
5.9.3 The size of woolen felt bobs can be reduced by clean fine size emery cloth if required.
5.9.4 Load dies on motorized chuck.
5.9.5 Fix woolen felt bob on air polisher.
5.9.6 Check woolen felt bob size, it should be smaller then die bore to be polished.
5.9.7 Apply 3-micron diamond polishing paste on woolen felt bob.
5.9.8 Switch ’ON’ motorized chuck.
5.9.9 Put woolen felt bob into die bore and start air grinder.
5.9.10 Use light pressure and move forward and backward.
5.9.11 Clean the die bore with cotton wool followed by 100% IPA.
5.9.12 Remove the die from drive unit.
5.9.13 Checks finishing, if it is OK, continue polishing of other dies as required.
5.10 Felt bob polishing by using radius gauge:
5.10.1 For polishing bob use of an internal radius gauge.
5.10.2 If the woolen felt bob radius is too small, should be increased by removing material from the center of convex.
5.10.3 If the woolen felt bob radius is too large, should be reduced by removing material from the outer edge of the convex.


SOP : Standard Operating Procedure. 
RPM : Revolution per minute.
MM : Millimeter
IPA : Iso propyl alcohol.
% : Percentage.





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