SOP for operation, cleaning, maintenance and calibration of oven


To lay down a procedure for operation, cleaning, maintenance and calibration of Oven.

2.0 SCOPE:

This procedure is applicable for the Operation and cleaning, maintenance and calibration of Oven in Quality Control Department at (Company name).


Not applicable.


4.1 Trainee/officer is responsible to perform activity.
4.2 Head-QC is responsible to ensure the compliance of the procedure. 


Yearly once.


6.1 Operation:

6.1.1 Ensure that instrument is clean and free from dust.
6.1.2 Put on the “MAINs” Switch ‘ON’ the control panel.
6.1.3 Set temperature on temperature controller by pressing the increment or decrement key. The display show set point.
6.1.4 The bottom display will show the set temperature and top display will show the actual temperature.
6.1.5 ‘ENTER’ key is used for log the set parameters.
6.1.6 Now the oven is ready for heating.
6.1.7 Heaters will start and the temperature will rise steadily to the Set temperature. 

6.2 Cleaning:

6.2.1 Switch OFF the oven.
6.2.2 Switch OFF the mains to which the equipment is plugged.
6.2.3 Disconnect the plug of the equipment.
6.2.4 Allow the equipment to cool if the temperature is high.
6.2.5 Took out the materials available in the equipment and place it in a safe environment
6.2.6 Took out the trays from the equipment and place it in a safe place.
6.2.7 Clean the chamber from inside and outside after use.
6.2.8 Clean the PT-100 sensor.
6.2.9 Clean the internal and external surface of the equipment with the lint free cloth.
6.2.10 Place the trays in their original position and place all the material within the equipment.
6.2.11 Connect the plug of the equipment.
6.2.12 Switch ON the mains and operate if require. 

6.3 Calibration:

Calibration shall be done by External Agency once in a year as per their own SOP.

6.4 General maintenance:

6.4.1 The environment should be with proper exhaust fan or air conditioner.
6.4.2 Check the power cord if found loose, tighten it.
6.4.3 Check the operation of safety thermostat.
6.4.4 Check that whether the side port sleeve is properly fitted with ventilator.







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