Total Pharmaceutical Solution

SOP for Operation and cleaning of shipper sealing machine


To lay down the procedure for operation and cleaning of Shipper sealing machine.

2.0 SCOPE:

This procedure is applicable for operation and cleaning of Shipper sealing machine at (Company name).




4.1 Production operator is responsible for operation and cleaning.
4.2 Production officer / executive is responsible for execution of the procedure.
4.3 Head-Production is responsible to ensure compliance of the procedure.


5.1 Pre-operational Check:

5.1.1 Ensure the cleanliness of equipment.
5.1.2 Get the line clearance from the quality assurance department before starting operation.
5.1.3 Remove ‘CLEANE.D’ label and affix ‘STATUS’ label.
5.1.4 Check availability of power supply.
5.1.5 Ensure that the emergency switch is in release position. 

Operation and cleaning of shipper sealing machine

5.2 Machine Setting and Operation:

5.2.1 Take one shipper for setting of Shipper sealing machine.
5.2.2 Prepare shipper manually with folding its flaps.
5.2.3 Adjust the required gripper belt width of machine to carry the shipper on conveyor rollers.
5.2.4 Ensure that shipper should move freely on the rollers without any damage.
5.2.5 Adjust the required height of machine to carry the shipper for taping with the help of gripper belt.
5.2.6 Adjust the side roller width to support the shipper during operation.
5.2.7 Ensure that shipper should move freely on the rollers without any damage.
5.2.8 Load the BOPP tape into tape drum of upper taping head.
5.2.9 Set the BOPP tape web detacher followed by one way roller followed by tension wrap roller followed by knurled rollers followed by wrap roller followed by followed by threading leader followed by applying rollers.
5.2.10 Attach the guiding plate to thread the tape.
5.2.11 Cut the extra tape in center roller.
5.2.12 Ensure that adhesive side of BOPP tape should be outside.
5.2.13 Load the BOPP tape into tape drum of Lower taping head.
5.2.14 Set the BOPP tape web detacher followed by one way roller followed by tension wrap roller followed by knurled rollers followed by wrap roller followed by threading leader followed by applying rollers.
5.2.15 Attach the guiding plate to thread the tape.
5.2.16 Cut the extra tape in center roller.
5.2.17 Ensure that adhesive side of BOPP tape should be outside.
5.2.18 Switch ’ON’ the main power supply of the machine.
5.2.19 After completion of all setting pass the shipper for taping with the help of gripper belt.
5.2.20 Ensure that shipper taping should be proper from both side of shipper without any damage.
5.2.21 If taping of shipper is too tight then decrease the tension of tape drum for proper shipper taping.
5.2.22 If taping of shipper is too loose then increase the tension of tape drum for proper shipper taping.
5.2.23 If the spring tension is loose then tape will be pre-cut and folding tape cannot stick on the shipper.
5.2.24 If the spring tension is tight then tape will break or damage the shipper.
5.2.25 Ensure that the tension of tape drum and spring should set properly for good taping of shipper.
5.2.26 After completion of operation rotate the power button to ‘STOP’ position and switch ‘OFF’ the main power supply of the machine.
5.3 Cleaning:
5.3.1 Affix the ‘TO BE CLEANED’ Label to the Shipper sealing machine.
5.3.2 Remove the previously used BOPP tapes.
5.3.3 Clean and remove the pieces of BOPP tape on blades of upper tape drum and lower tape drum.
5.3.4 Clean the sliding rollers with wet lint free cloth followed by dry lint free cloth.
5.3.5 Clean the outer surface of machine with dry lint free cloth.
5.3.6 Record the operation and cleaning details in equipment usage and cleaning log book.


SOP : Standard Operating Procedure.
BOPP : Bi-oxyl poly propylene 





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