Total Pharmaceutical Solution

SOP for operation and cleaning of HSD storage tank


To lay down a procedure for operation and Cleaning of HSD Storage tank.

2.0 SCOPE:

This procedure applies for Operation and Cleaning of HSD Storage tank at (Company name).




4.1 Engineering Personnel shall responsible for operation and Cleaning of HSD Storage tank.
4.2 Head-engineering shall responsible to ensure compliance of the SOP.


5.1 Security shall ensure that:
5.1.1 Vehicle personnel shall not carry any matchbox/lighters.
5.1.2 Secure the Vehicle by placing stable wages (Wheel Chokes) to prevent movement of tanker/vehicle during unloading.
5.2 Pre Startup check:
5.2.1 Keep the HSD tanker near the unloading bay.
5.2.2 While unloading HSD tankers, static bonding shall be provided from the tanker to the storage tank or alternatively flexible hose shall be used for unloading.
5.2.3 Open the top lids of all the compartments.
5.2.4 Check dip of the tanker of all compartments with dip rod & ensure the quantity as per the invoice.
5.2.5 Connect the pipe to the suction line of the pump & ensure that there no Leakage in the pipe by opening the valves of the tanker.
5.3 HSD Unloading Procedure:
5.3.1 Record the initial level of the HSD storage tank.
5.3.2 Open the tanker unloading valves.
5.3.3 Open the pump suction valves.
5.3.4 Open the pump discharge valve.
5.3.5 Open the HSD storage tank suction valve.
5.3.6 Open the unloading pump re-circulation valve.
5.3.7 Start the unloading pump.
5.3.8 Record the level of the HSD storage tank after unloading the tanker.
5.3.9 Take the dip of the HSD tanker & ensure the tanker is completely unloaded.
5.4 Stopping procedure:
5.4.1 Stop the pump.
5.4.2 Record the level of the HSD storage tank & ensure the tanker is unloaded.
5.4.3 Close the tanker valve.
5.4.4 Close the pump suction valves.
5.4.5 Close the pump discharge valve.
5.4.6 Close the tanker suction valve.
5.4.7 Close the pump re-circulation valve.
5.4.8 Disconnect the unloading pipe.
5.4.9 Stop the unloading pump.


SOP — Standard Operating Procedure.
HSD — High Speed Diesel. 





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