2.0 SCOPE:
4.1 Engineering technician/operator is responsible for operation and cleaning of brine chiller.
4.2 Engineering head is responsible to ensure compliance of the SOP.
5.1 Precaution and general conditions:
5.1.1 Ensure that proper earthing is provided.
5.1.2 Ensure for no leakages of the brine solution in the circulation loop system.
5.1.3 Ensure that condenser inlet and outlet valves are in open condition.
5.1.4 Ensure that evaporator inlet and outlet valves are in open condition.
5.1.5 Check the cooling water supply at inlet and outlet of the condenser.
5.1.6 Ensure the brine solution tank level is full.
5.1.7 Ensure that end user valves are in close condition and bypass valve is in open condition during primary circulation.
5.1.8 After getting required temperature in the brine solution close the bypass valve and open the end user valves as per their requirement.
5.2 Procedure for preparation of Brine Solution:
5.2.1 Calculate the storage tank and circulation loop volume for preparation of brine solution.
5.2.2 Based on the circulation loop prepare the brine solution as per the following procedure.
5.2.3 Add 26% to 40% (% of total volume) of available MEG with specific gravity 1.115 into potable water so that brine solution of specific gravity 1.03 is prepared as recommended by manufacturer.
5.2.4 Upon usage of the equipment the specific gravity shall be reduced, need to check the specific gravity on regular basis, if found less top up shall be done with required quantity of MEG to get the desired specific gravity.
5.3 Starting Procedure:
5.3.1 Ensure the power supply from MCC is available to control panel.
5.3.2 Ensure that specific gravity of brine solution is 1.03.
5.3.3 Set the brine solution temperature in the equipment as per the end user requirement.
5.3.4 Switch ON the equipment and start the compressors as per the temperature requirement.
5.3.5 Check the operating parameters and record in the ‘Brine chiller monitoring record’.
5.4 Stopping Procedure:
5.4.1 Switch OFF the equipment by pressing the toggle key.
5.4.2 Close the valves.
5.4.3 Switch OFF the power supply from MCC to control panel.
Note: The equipment shall be run as per process requirement. Whenever the equipment is not run for more than 5 days, brine solution in the line shall be drained out and collected in HDPE barrels. The same brine solution shall be refilled in the line prior to starting of equipment.
HDPE : High-density polyethylene
MCC : Motor Control Centre
MEG : Mono Ethylene Glycol
SOP : Standard Operating Procedure