Total Pharmaceutical Solution

SOP for identifying SS316 or SS 304 through molybdenum test kit.


To lay down a procedure for identifying SS316 or SS 304 through molybdenum test kit.

2.0 SCOPE:

This procedure applies to all the equipment’s or items for which the SS quality is to be determined at (Company name).




4.1 Engineering Technician shall perform the activity as per SOP. 
4.2 Engineering Executive shall check that the activity is done as per SOP.
4.3 Concern department shall ensure the cleanliness of the place.
4.4 Head of Engineering/Designee shall ensure its compliance.


5.1 Carry out the molybdenum test for equipment or item made up of SS 316 or SS 304, which comes in direct contact with the product. 
5.2 Clean the stainless-steel surface to be tested.
5.3 Place one drop of Electrolyte chemical reagent of Molybdenum test kit on the surface of the test material.
5.4 Dip edge of negative charge cell end in the reagent drop and positive charge end on the stainless-steel surface to be tested.
5.5 Start the stop watch and monitor the time.
5.6 If the color of the surface under the reagent drop change to pink or reddish and persistent for more than 50 seconds, then it is considered as SS 316.
5.7 If the color of the surface under reagent drop change to pink or reddish and disappears with in the 15 seconds, then is considered as SS 304.
5.8 If reagent drops do not change or changes other than pink or reddish, then the material is neither SS 316 nor SS 304.
5.9 Test data of molybdenum test kit report should be record in the Annexure-I.
5.10 Once the identification of material is done engineering head shall verify the test report and provide his comments for acceptance or rejection of material. Quality assurance head shall approve or reject the material as per Annexure-I.


SOP: Standard Operating Procedure.
SS : Stainless Steel 




Annexure-I: Molybdenum Test Kit Report

molybdenum test kit report

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