Total Pharmaceutical Solution

SOP for handling of raw material spillage


To define the procedure for Handling of Raw Material Spillage.

2.0 SCOPE:

This SOP for Handling of Raw Material Spillage is applicable to Warehouse Department at (Company name).


Not Applicable.


4.1 Personnel of warehouse is responsible for execution of the procedure.
4.2 Head warehouse is responsible for overall compliance of the procedure. 


5.1 For Solid Materials:

5.1.1 If any material is spilled then the warehouse personnel shall stop the activity and segregate or shift other surrounding materials to avoid contamination.
5.1.2 Warehouse person shall intimate to Head Warehouse, QA Head and Plant Head to check the impact of the the incidence and corrective action if any.
5.1.3 Wear nose mask, hand gloves, goggles etc. and collect the spilled material carefully with the help of vacuum cleaner or dry lint free cloth and put in a polybag and shall be collected carefully.
5.1.4 Weigh and record the amount of the spilled material.
5.1.5 Clean and sanitize the affected area/equipment/instrument/accessories with disinfectant solution.
5.1.6 As per the nature of the material, approval shall be obtained from QA Head and Plant Head to destroy the material and record the details in the Annexure-I.
5.1.7 Prepare slurry of the spilled raw material and send to ETP for destruction after necessary approval.
5.1.8 After destruction of the spillage material same quantity to be debited from SAP to maintain the stock.
5.1.9 If any spillage occur in dispensing/sampling area then follow the point no. 5.1.1 to 5.1.8.
5.1.10 Re-calculation/re-determination shall be done by production and QA if the material from the same SAP batch number is not available.
5.1.11 Wear fresh gown and enter in the dispensing booth to dispense the remaining quantity of the spilled item and other remaining materials of the batch.
5.1.12 If any spillage of raw material occurred accidentally on the floor, then inform to Head-Warehouse.
7.1.8 An Investigation has to be carried out about the accident and appropriate corrective action to be taken to avoid recurrence of such incident in future. 

5.2 For Solvent:

5.2.1 In case of spillage or leakage of solvent, immediately open the windows and doors (if possible) for proper ventilation.
5.2.2 Switch off the lights, machines or any other electrical components of the area.
5.2.3 Warehouse personnel shall restrict the area for minimum man movement.
5.2.4 Warehouse person shall intimate to Head Warehouse QA Head and Plant Head about the incidence for corrective action.
5.2.5 Collect the spilled solvent with the help of spillage kit or mop the area with safety precaution like wearing nose mask and safety goggles.
5.2.6 Collect the used spillage kit in polybags and sent to the scrap yard.
5.2.7 As per the nature of the material, approval shall be obtained from QA Head and Plant Head to destroy the material and record the details in the Annexure-I.
5.2.8 Same quantity to be debited from SAP to maintain the stock.
5.2.9 An Investigation has to be carried out about the accident and appropriate corrective action to be taken to avoid recurrence of such incident in future. 

5.3 Controls or Precautions:

5.3.1 Materials shall be transferred through trolleys to avoid any damages of material/area.
5.3.2 Store the materials properly on the racks/pallets.
5.3.3 Stack the materials in such manner that upper most material do not fall from racks/pallets.
5.3.4 Transfer the materials carefully from pass box to dispensing area.
5.3.5 Ensure the containers/packs of the material are in well closed condition. 


SOP : Standard Operating Procedure
ETP : Effluent Treatment Plant 




Annexure-I: Record of Spillage Material.

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