2.0 SCOPE:
This procedure for Dispensing of Packaging Materials is applicable to warehouse Department (Company name).
4.1 Warehouse Personnel: Shall be responsible for dispensing of packaging materials to production and packing department.
4.2 Head-Warehouse / Designee: shall be responsible for compliance of the SOP.
On receipt of the BPR / Material indent cum issue note, Warehouse personnel shall check the availability of the material from SAP.
5.2 Warehouse person shall arrange packaging materials as per BPR or Material Indent cum Issue Note outside the respective dispensing area.
5.3 User Department person and QA person shall cross check the material details like material code, material description, A. R. No., In-house Batch No., Expiry Date, and Retest Date, Manufacturer Name etc. against BPR or “Process Order for Batch” or “Material Indent Cum Issue Note”.
5.4 Clean the outer containers of the materials with the help of dry lint free cloth or vacuum cleaner.
5.5 Arrange dispensing accessories in respective dispensing area.
5.6 Materials shall be issued on the basis of FEFO / FIFO.
5.7 Dispensing of Primary Packaging Materials:
5.7.1 Primary Packaging Materials shall be dispensed under ceiling suspended LAF.
5.7.2 LAF should be “Switch ON” 30 minutes prior to start the activity.
5.7.3 Ensue that Primary Packaging Material Sampling / Dispensing area temperature, relative humidity, area differential pressure, LAF differential pressure are within limit. If not, inform to superior / HOD and Engineering Department for rectification.
5.7.4 HDPE Bottles, Closure, Cotton, Rayon Coil, Desiccants, Silica Gel Bags etc. shall be dispensed on the basis of intact packs as per manufacturer label claim as per required quantity. If loose quantity needs to be dispense, it should be dispense by counting manually as per the required quantity in poly bags.
5.7.5 Aluminum Foils, PVC Films, PVC/PVDC Films etc shall be dispensed as per available roll quantity equal to or more than the required quantity.
5.7.6 Glass Vials shall be dispensed on the basis of intact-packs equal to or more that the required quantity.
5.7.7 For dispensing of seals or stoppers remove the inner sealed poly bag from outer coverage and put it under LAF.
5.7.8 Aluminum Seals, Rubber Stoppers shall be dispensed in steri-pouch on the basis of average weight. Derive average weight of Seals or stoppers as per the procedure given in BPR.
5.7.9 Fill the dispensing details in “Material Dispensing Tag” and affix dully signed by Warehouse person, User department person and QA person label to the individual material also fill the dispensing details in BMR / BPR and transfer dispensed material to the respective department.
5.7.10 Note: While dispensing wear hand gloves, nose masks etc.
5.8 Dispensing of Secondary Packing Materials:
5.8.1 Secondary packaging material shall be dispensed in Secondary Packaging Material Sampling / Dispensing Room.
5.8.2 Literatures, leaflets, inner cartons, outer cartons, partitions shall be dispensed as per intact-packs / bundles equal to or more than the required quantity.
5.8.3 Shippers shall be issued by counting method (by manually, or as per manufacturer standard pack count wherever applicable) as per requirement.
5.8.4 Roll form labels shall be dispensed by counting on label counting machine as per required quantity. Incase labeling counting machine is not working, and then dispensing shall be done on the basis of intact-roll equal to or more than the required quantity.
5.8.5 After label counted take the print out of the counted labels and affix to the respective BPR.
5.8.6 Sheet form labels shall be dispensed by counting the number of labels per sheet and count the number of sheets required as per required quantity.
5.8.7 Printed packaging materials, shall be issued in trolley under lock and key.
5.9 Fill the dispensing details in “Material Dispensing Tag” and affix dully signed by Warehouse person, User department person and QA person and transfer dispensed material to the respective department.
5.10 Whenever there are multiple A. R. No. require to be dispense, it should be dispensed in separate polybags / containers.
5.11 After completion of dispensing activity affix “Loose Pack” to the loose container / pack and transfer to the respective storage location.
5.12 Materials other than batch packing requirement shall be dispensed on the basis of “Material indent cum issue note”.
5.13 In case the user department requests for any specific A.R. No. / Quarantine material / Stocks other than to be issued as per above procedure, the user department has to raise a “Request for conditional issuance of Material” and submit the same dully signed by all the concerned along with “Material indent cum issue note” to warehouse.
5.14 Enter the dispensing details in “Dispensing Log” and update stocks in SAP.
BPR – Batch Packing Record
BMR – Batch Manufacturing Record
A.R. No – Analytical Reference Number
FEFO – First Expiry First Out
FIFO – First In First Out
LAF – Laminar Air Flow
HDPE – High Density Poly Ethylene
PVC – Poly Vinyl Chloride
PVDC – Poly Vinyl Di-Chloride