SOP for destruction of sample after analysis


To lay down the procedure for destruction of sample after analysis.

2.0 SCOPE:

This procedure for destruction of sample after analysis is applicable to all left over samples after analysis in Quality Control Department at (Company name).


Not applicable.


4.1 Trainee/officer is responsible to perform activity.
4.2 Executive-QC is responsible to check the activity.
4.3 Head-QC is responsible to ensure the compliance of the procedure. 


5.1 After completion of test, the left over sample should be disposed. The approximate quantity which is disposed shall be recorded in Annexure-I.
5.2 If the sample is unable to dispose on the same day of release then the samples should be stored in area under the label as “SAMPLES TO BE DISPOSED”.
5.3 For solid samples, dispose the sample directly to the sample dispose container.
5.4 For liquid samples, remove the labels and pour the samples in wash basin with stream of water.
5.5 All packing material should be cut in to pieces and should be send to scrap afterward.
5.6 Enter the disposal details in the Annexure-I (Disposal record for analytical samples), except packing material and liquid samples.
5.7 All samples shall be disposed within 10 calendar days of date of approval.
5.8 Transfer the dissolved material described as per above procedure (point 5.3 to 5.5) to effluent treatment plant (ETP) and handover the material to the concern person.
5.9 Every month handover the dissolved left over samples to ETP and update Annexure-II (Handover Record of dissolved left over samples after analysis to ETP) and take the sign of the person to whom the material is submitted. 


ETP : Effluent treatment plant.
QC : Quality control 


Annexure-I: Disposal Record for analytical samples.
Annexure-II: Handover Record of dissolved left over samples after analysis to ETP. 



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