To lay down the procedure for cleaning of Sampling Tools.
2.0 SCOPE:
This SOP for cleaning of sampling tools and accessories is applicable to all sampling tools (Rod, dies, scoops, spatula, etc.) used during in process & finished product sampling at (Company name).
Not applicable.
Cleaning: IPQA
Accountability: Head QA
As and whenever required.
7.1 Cleaning procedure for sampling Rod and Dies:
7.1.1 Remove the sampling rod from the poly bag.
7.1.2 Separate the outer rod, inner rod and sampling dies (if any), wipe the surface of outer rod and sampling dies (if any) with a dry lint free cloth.
7.1.3 Unscrew the bottom of the outer sampling rod.
7.1.4 Wash the outer and inner surfaces of outer sampling rod, inner sampling rod and sampling dies with purified water. Scrub all the parts of sampling tools with nylon brush scrubber, till the surface is visually clear. While washing care shall be taken so that the edges, inside portion of the sampling rod, dies and entire portion of the sampling rod are cleaned.
7.1.5 After washing, rinse the sampling rod/dies using purified water.
7.1.6 Place the washed parts of sampling tools on clean surface, wipe with a dry and clean lint free cloth.
7.1.7 Insert the inner sampling rod in outer sampling rod and wipe wrap with polyethylene bag or stretch wrap.
7.1.8 Keep the sampling dies in the storage box.
7.1.9 Record the cleaning detail of cleaning in sampling tools cleaning record Annexure-I.
7.1.10 Affix cleaned status label as per Annexure-II with validity of 6 days.
7.2 Scoops and Spatula:
7.2.1 Remove the scoops and spatula from the poly bag.
7.2.2 Wipe the surface of the scoops and spatula with a dry lint free cloth.
7.2.3 Wash the scoop and spatula with purified water. Scrub whole surface with scrubber, till the surface is visually clear. While washing care shall be taken so that corners of handle, joining portion of handle and scoop / spatula and entire portion are cleaned.
7.2.4 After washing, rinse the scoop and spatula with purified water.
7.2.5 Place the washed scoops and spatula on a clean surface, wipe with a clean dry lint free cloth.
7.2.6 After ensuring that the scoop and spatula are completely dried, wrap with polyethylene bag or stretch wrap.
7.2.7 Affix cleaned status label as per Annexure-II with validity of 6 days.
7.3 Maintenance of sampling accessories:
7.3.1 List of sampling tools shall be prepared as per Annexure No.: III.
7.3.2 Clean all the sampling accessories as per the procedure and store at appropriate place.
7.3.3 In case of rust/patches observed on sampling accessories, discarded and update the status in Annexure-III in remarks column.
7.3.4 Used sampling tools shall be taken to the wash area in a covered poly bag with proper label.
QA: Quality Assurance
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
Annexure-I: Sampling tools cleaning record
Annexure-II: Cleaned label
Annexure-III: List of sampling tools
Annexure-I: Sampling tools cleaning record
S. No. | Date | Tool Id No. | Product Name | Batch No. | Cleaned by | Valid till Date | Checked by | Remarks |
Annexure-II: Cleaned label
Tool Id Number | ||
Previous Material | ||
Batch Number | ||
Cleaned as per sop Number | ||
Valid Till | ||
Cleaned by / Date | Checked by / Date | |
Annexure-III: List of sampling tools
Sl.No. | Name of Sampling Tool | Tool ID No | Remarks |
Prepared by: Checked by: