Procedure for Operation, Cleaning and Calibration of Ultra Violet Cabinet


To lay down a procedure for Operation, Cleaning and Calibration of Ultra Violet Cabinet.

2.0 SCOPE:

This SOP covers the procedure for Operation, Cleaning and Calibration of Ultra Violet Cabinet (Make- Aarkey Labtronix (India) present in Quality Control Department (Company name).


3.1 Trainee/officer is responsible to perform activity. 
3.2 Head-QC is responsible to ensure the compliance of the procedure.


Indian pharmacopeia (IP)-2014.


Not Applicable


Operation: As when required
Calibration: Half yearly ± 7 days.


7.1 Operating procedure:
7.1.1 Ensure that the instrument is clean and free from dust.
7.1.2 Check the electric connection to instrument & switch ‘ON’ the mains.
7.1.3 Three switches are provided on the Top right corner of the instrument.
7.1.4 Switch 1- For UV Light at Short wavelength (254 nm).
7.1.5 Switch 2- For UV Light at Long wavelength (365 nm).
7.1.6 Switch 3- For Visible Light.
7.1.7 Select the required Light source and switch it ‘ON’.
7.1.8 Open the cabinet and place the TLC plate inside it and close the cabinet.
7.1.9 Observe the plate for visualization of spot from the observation compartment (Window).
7.1.10 After completion Switch OFF the Light sources.
7.1.11 Switch ‘OFF’ the instrument when not required.

7.2 Precautions:
7.2.1 Before opening shutter, the current supply must be interrupted.
7.2.2 Always inspect the plate through UV viewing box only.
7.2.3 UV Lamp should be switched off when not in use.
7.2.4 Do not open the cabinet when U.V light is on.
7.3 Cleaning procedure:
7.3.1 Ensure that the power supply to the instrument is switched OFF before cleaning
and removed the main cord is from supply.
7.3.2 A precaution has to be taken to clean the equipment immediately with dry cloth to remove the moisture.
7.3.3 Do not start at the UV rays for a long time.
7.3.4 Do not use organic solvents for cleaning of the instrument.

7.4 Calibration procedure:
7.4.1 UV lamps calibration:
7.4.2 Stationary Phase: A plate coated with silica gel G.
Injection volume: 5 l.
7.4.3 Solution A (254 nm): weight accurately about 20 mg of sodium salicylate and transfer in 50 ml volumetric flask, dissolve the substance with ethanol (95%).Mix and make up volume with the ethanol (95%).
7.4.4 Solution B (365 nm): weight accurately about 100 mg of sodium salicylate and transfer in 50 ml volumetric flask, dissolve the substance with ethanol (95%).Mix and make up volume with the ethanol(95%).
7.4.5 Apply to a plate coated with silica gel G, 5 l of a solution A for lamps of maximum output at about 254 nm and 5 l of a solution B for lamps of maximum output at about 365 nm. Examine the plate and observed the spot to the UV radiation of different wavelength and mark the spots with pencil.


UV : Ultra violet 
TLC : Thin layer Chromatography
Nm : Nanometer
IP    :Indian pharmacopeia



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