Total Pharmaceutical Solution

Limit test for lead


The limit test for Lead (Pb) relies on a reaction between lead impurities and Diphenylthiocarbazone (Dithizone) in a chloroform solution under alkaline conditions. This reaction forms a Lead-dithizone complex, which exhibits a red coloration. 
In its natural state, Dithizone appears green in chloroform. However, when it forms a complex with lead, the resulting compound exhibits a violet color. Consequently, the color observed at the end of the process is red.

Limit test for Lead

Dithizone in chloroform, extract lead from alkaline aqueous solution as lead dithizone complex (violet in color).
In this experiment, ammonium citrate, potassium cyanide, hydroxylamine hydrochloride are used to extract and discard and interfering metal ions (other than lead) at optimum pH in the form of complex. 

Procedure for limit test for Lead:

Dithizone in chloroform, extract lead from alkaline aqueous solution as lead dithizone complex (violet in color).
In this experiment, ammonium citrate, potassium cyanide, hydroxylamine hydrochloride are used to extract and discard and interfering metal ions (other than lead) at optimum pH in the form of complex. 

Sr. No.

Test sample

Standard sample


A specified quantity of sample solution is transferred into a separating funnel

A standard lead solution is prepared equivalent to the permissible amount of lead in the sample under examination.


Add 6 ml of ammonium citrate

Add 6 ml of ammonium citrate


Add 2 ml of potassium cyanide and 2 ml of hydroxylamine hydrochloride

Add 2 ml of potassium cyanide and 2 ml of hydroxylamine hydrochloride


Add 2 drops of phenol red

Add 2 drops of phenol red


Make solution alkaline by adding ammonia solution

Make solution alkaline by adding ammonia solution


Extract with 5 ml of dithizone until it becomes green

Extract with 5 ml of dithizone until it becomes green


Combined dithizone extract are shaken for 30 mins with 30 ml nitric acid and chloroform layer is discarded

Combined dithizone extract are shaken for 30 mins with 30 ml nitric acid and chloroform layer is discarded  


To the acid solution add 5 ml of standard dithizone solution

To the acid solution add 5 ml of standard dithizone solution


Add 4 ml of ammonium cyanide

Add 4 ml of ammonium cyanide


Shake for 30 mins and observe the colour

Shake for 30 mins and observe the colour

Ammonium citrate, potassium cyanide, and hydroxylamine hydrochloride are employed to establish the optimal pH, thereby eliminating interference and the influence of other impurities.
Phenol red serves as an indicator to facilitate the development of color at the end of the process.


The intensity of the color of complex will depend on the amount of lead in the solution. The color produced in the sample solution should not be greater than standard solution. If intensity color produces in sample solution is less than the standard solution, the sample will pass the limit test of lead and vice versa.

Related post: Limit test for sulphate.
Related post: Limit test for Iron.
Related post: Limit test for chloride.
Related post: Limit test for arsenic.


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