Limit test definition

Limit test definition

Limit: Threshold indicating presence or absence of substance in sample.
Test: Qualitative or semi-quantitative analysis determining substance presence.
Impurities: Undesirable substances present in material or chemical compound.

“Limit test is defined as quantitative or semi quantitative analytical technique designed to identify and control traces of impurity which is likely to be present in the substance”.
Limit tests are particularly useful when a precise quantitative analysis is not necessary or feasible. They are commonly employed to detect the presence of impurities, contaminants, or specific functional groups in chemical compounds.


1. Ensures compliance with safety and regulatory standards.
2. Detects impurities or contaminants in products.
3. Validates product purity and quality.
4. Facilitates efficient quality control processes.
5. Provides rapid screening for target substances in samples. 

Related post: Limit test for chloride.
                            Limit test for arsenic.

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