2.0 SCOPE:
This procedure for monitoring the Quality of Raw Water based on EPA guidelines is applicable to Raw water which is used as a source to the purified water plant and the potable water used for equipment cleaning at (Company name).
4.1 Quality Control Analyst/external vendor is responsible for sampling of Water.
4.2 Head Quality control or designee is responsible to review the reports and ensure compliance.
5.1 Sampling procedure:
5.1.1 Quality Control shall arrange to sample the water as per the SOP and the quantity sampled will be 2.5 liters for microbiological tests and 2 X 10 liters for chemical tests.
5.1.2 Sample shall be drawn from all the raw water source and forwarded to the approved public laboratories with in the shortest period of time.
5.2 Tests to be carried out based on EPA guidelines:
5.2.1 Microorganisms: Heterotropics plate counts , Legionella bacteria , Total coliforms bacteria and turbidity
5.2.2 Disinfectants and their by products: Bromate, Chloramines, Chlorine, Chlorine dioxide, Chlorite, haloacetic acid and total trihalomethanes.
5.2.3 Inorganic Chemicals: Antimony, Arsenic, Asbestos (Fiber>10 micrometers), Barium, beryllium as Be, Cadmium as Cd, Chromium as Cr, Copper as Cu, Cyanide as CN, Fluoride as F, Lead as Pb, mercury as Hg, Nitrate nitrogen as N, Nitrite Nitrogen as N , Selenium as Se and Thallium as TI.
5.2.4 Organic Chemicals: Acrylamide, Alachlor, Atrazine, Benzene, Benzopyrene, Carbofuran, Carbon tetrachloride Chlordane, Chlorobenzene, 2,4 D, Dalapon,1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP), O-DichIorobenzene , p- Dichlorobenzene ,1,2-Dichloroethane, 1,1-Dichloroethylene, cis-1,2- Dichloroethylene, trans-1,2-DichIoroethyIene, Dichloromethane, 1,2- Dichloropropane, Di (2-ethyIhexyI) adipate, Di(DiethylhexyI) phthalate, Dinoseb, Dioxin, Diquat, Endothall, Endrin, Epichlorohydrin, Ethylbenzene, Ethylene dibromide, Glyphosate, Heptachlor, Heptachlor epoxide, Hexachloro benzene, Hexachloro cyclopentadiene, Lindane, methoxychlor, Oxamyl, Plolychlorinated byphenyls, Pentachlorophenol, picloram, Simazine, Styrene, Tetrachloroethylene, Toluene, Toxaphene,2,4,5-TP(Silvex), 1,2,4- trichlorobenzene, 1,1,1-TrichIoroethane, 1,1,2-TrichIoroethane, Trichloroethylene, Vinylchloride and Xylenes (Total).
5.2.5 Contaminant: Aluminium as AI, Chloride as Cl, Colour, Copper as Cu, Corrosity, Fluoride as F, Foaming agent, Iron as Fe, Manganese as Mn, odour, pH at 25°C, Silver as Ag, Sulphate as SO4, Dissolved solids at 180 °C and Zinc as Zn.
5.2.6 Radiation type: Gross Alpha and Gross Beta.
5.2.7 The limit shall be as per the EPA guidelines (CFR141).
5.3 Review of Test Reports:
5.3.1 Reports shall be reviewed by head of quality control or his designee.
5.3.2 Quality control personnel shall inform the results to engineering, production and quality assurance departments.
5.3.3 Quality assurance shall investigate if there is any failure in results for any parameters.
5.3.4 If necessary additional samples may be drawn or comments made based on the review.
5.4 Frequency of Testing:
5.4.1 Raw Water testing shall be performed at least once in year based on the EPA guide lines.
EPA : Environmental Protection Agency
CFR : Code of Federal Regulations
SOP : Standard Operating Procedure